
segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013

Tectônica de placas e a deriva continental

Um dia, os continentes estiveram juntos, formando uma única massa de terra, com o passar do tempo ouve sua fragmentação, formando as chamadas Placas Tectônicas, que foram se distanciando umas das outras. Mas o que promove este distanciamento? Qual é a força que impulsiona este distanciamento?
A terra possui temperaturas variadas, de acordo com a sua camada (núcleo, manto, crosta). Assim, o Núcleo possui altíssimas temperaturas, que vão diminuindo gradativamente ao se distanciar do centro da Terra. É essa força (calor) que movimenta as placas tectônicas, causando seu afastamento ou colisão.

Veja o vídeo:

4 comentários:

  1. super interessante, espero que sejam postados novos conteúdos dessa natureza.


  2. Hello! l'm Emilio Neto Antonio, Brazilian, living in brussels on the street theodore verhaegem 146 bte 3. 1060 saint gilles, BELGIUM not have scientific training or higher, or anything of the genre. (A curious). My curiosity leads me to search, discover and research things wonderfully amazing. In one of them was watching through maps and geographical studies a curious detail in the province of Xinjiang Uygur (CHINA). I noticed that a vast desert surrounded by mountains that extend from the kazackstan until MYANMAR (ie hymalaias), has aspects of an impact of a giant meteor. Tanbem I could see mountain ranges that look like volcanic lava flow, (magma) that extend from points of the province, until the states of KAZACKISTAN, Afganistan, PAKISTAN, IRAN, and most of the territories of Turkia. Interestingly the other side of HYMALAIAS also observed the same kind of relief, and aspect of current flow volcanic larva, in the territories of MYANMAR, VIETNAM, LAOS, AND Thailandia. The most curious fact is that this mountain range (hymalaias) is geographically located at an angle of nearly 360 ° and on the other hand, in the territories INDIANS not display any modification in the relief area unless elevations in mountain ranges of almost vertical hymalaias . could also noted that aspects of collision are in a position contrary to the axis of rotation of the Earth (northeast to the midwest) Interestingly, in recent years found large proportions of meteors in the same Chinese province and there are also reports of minerals that do not exist nowhere else on the planet.

    Forensic If proven, these theories can change the thoughts we have about the formation of continents and hymalaias. maybe even how they formed the seasons of the year and the days and nights as we know it.

    Sure that no living being could have survived a natural disaster of such proportions! email : netobrasilll@hotmaail.com


  3. Hello! l'm Emilio Neto Antonio, Brazilian, living in brussels on the street theodore verhaegem 146 bte 3. 1060 saint gilles, BELGIUM not have scientific training or higher, or anything of the genre. (A curious). My curiosity leads me to search, discover and research things wonderfully amazing. In one of them was watching through maps and geographical studies a curious detail in the province of Xinjiang Uygur (CHINA). I noticed that a vast desert surrounded by mountains that extend from the kazackstan until MYANMAR (ie hymalaias), has aspects of an impact of a giant meteor. Tanbem I could see mountain ranges that look like volcanic lava flow, (magma) that extend from points of the province, until the states of KAZACKISTAN, Afganistan, PAKISTAN, IRAN, and most of the territories of Turkia. Interestingly the other side of HYMALAIAS also observed the same kind of relief, and aspect of current flow volcanic larva, in the territories of MYANMAR, VIETNAM, LAOS, AND Thailandia. The most curious fact is that this mountain range (hymalaias) is geographically located at an angle of nearly 360 ° and on the other hand, in the territories INDIANS not display any modification in the relief area unless elevations in mountain ranges of almost vertical hymalaias . could also noted that aspects of collision are in a position contrary to the axis of rotation of the Earth (northeast to the midwest) Interestingly, in recent years found large proportions of meteors in the same Chinese province and there are also reports of minerals that do not exist nowhere else on the planet.

    Forensic If proven, these theories can change the thoughts we have about the formation of continents and hymalaias. maybe even how they formed the seasons of the year and the days and nights as we know it.

    Sure that no living being could have survived a natural disaster of such proportions! email: netobrasilll@hotmail.com

  4. Vi esse assunto esse ano no colégio, interessante mesmo... gosto muito de geografia!
